This Husband and Wife Have Resided on a Self-Made Floating Island for More Than Three Decades

Published: Nov 13, 2023

Wayne Adams, 66, and Catherine King, 59, were determined not to settle for less than they deserved. Seeing they couldn’t afford the real estate options they wanted, they decided to get creative. With hard work and dedication, they managed to build something truly remarkable.

The couple embarked on a journey that saw them spend 20 years of their lives building their dream home, a floating island that can only be accessed via a boat. However, the couple didn’t let their financial situation deter them from owning a place they could comfortably call “home.”

Stunning Features

Wayne and his wife Catherine didn’t hold back their creative prowess when they came up with their abode designs. Their floating home consists of 12 interconnected sections, including four greenhouses, living quarters, a kitchen, a workshop, an art gallery, a lighthouse, and even a dance floor. 


Source: CTV News / Youtube

One look at this unique structure, and you can tell it was created from the heart and soul of these two incredible people.


Aptly Named "Freedom Cove"

A stunning creation such as this requires a proper name, and the creators had the perfect moniker for their abode. Welcome to Freedom Cove—the magical million-pound floating house owned by the couple. This secluded spot is not accessible by road—the only way to get there is by boat.


Source: CTV News / Youtube

Weighing in at 500 tons, this unique home is tethered to the shore and floats on the surface of the water. It’s a truly remarkable place and the perfect hideaway for Catherine and Wayne, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

It Took Them Two Decades To Build

Building such an exquisite piece of architecture requires time and resources, and Adams and King have been working hard for the last 20 years to build their dream home. Even with their significant progress, they haven’t stopped there – they’re still looking for ways to make improvements.


To cover the cost of the project, the couple works various jobs in the art world, using their skills to get some money in. Adams is an expert wood carver, and King is a multi-talented artist creating content as a writer, painter, dancer, and musician.

When It All Began

With their plan set on paper, it was time for Wayne and Catherine to execute, and they commenced their project in 1991. Again, they opted to use readily available materials, and the wood for the project was sourced from trees that had been felled by winter storms.


Source: CTV News / Youtube

The couple chose to use manual methods to construct their home. Power tools were absent from the process, as every part of the building was built with just a handsaw and hammer. This took a long time, but the end result was remarkable. The building was crafted with immense care and precision, with each piece of lumber cut and placed with skill.

A Major Milestone

After two years of hard labor, the family finally finished building a small part of the house in 1992. It had been a long and challenging journey, but the sense of pride they felt was worth it. They had put in a lot of effort and determination, and the result was something they could be proud of.

Source: CTV News / Youtube

The family was motivated to keep going after they had achieved something. The next steps were to keep going and complete the rest of the house. This was going to be a new chapter in their lives, and they were keen to get started.


Adam Knows Everything About Freedom Cove

Adams is a handyman extraordinaire! He built his entire home from scratch and knows it inside and out. He can tell you the exact size of each board, the number of nails used in each corner, and even where every window and door is located.


Source: CBS Sunday Morning / Youtube

His handy work created a beautiful home, and he couldn’t be more proud. Considering that the lad is an expert woodcarver, it isn’t surprising that he made such an incredible, awe-inspiring masterpiece.


More Project Milestones

As time went by, Catherine and Wayne kept working on their dream home, and by 1998, the renovations to the house were complete. They added more space and a causeway to the area they planned to turn into a dance floor.

Source: CTV News / Youtube

It was going to be a great addition to the house! Everything was going according to plan, and the allocation of a dancefloor was a great idea; the couple could have a designated area where they could let loose and get their groove on.


Freedom Cove At Its Best

When the couple decided to take on this massive project, they were determined to make the floating home self-sustainable. As 2015 clocked in, the place was already running, and they’d installed 14 solar panels that provided power across the facility.


Source: CTV News / Youtube

Yet, like everything else, their solar power system broke down, and they had to resort to using a generator to keep the place running smoothly. Considering that the home is off the grid, it only made sense that they opted for less taxing power sources.


There's Food On The Property

Cathy and Wayne didn’t leave anything to chance when they were planning their floating home; they took into consideration where they’ll get their food from. Considering that the house is only accessible by boat, it would be pretty challenging to bring groceries from the mainland now and then.

Source: CTV News / Youtube

As such, they set aside half an acre of land to grow consumable crops and have four greenhouses for their farming use. With that, the family needn’t worry about where their meals are coming from.


Self Sustaining Lifestyle

One thing that makes Freedom Cove a unique place to live in is the self-sufficient lifestyle. Adams and King do not rely on food from other quarters or the grocery store; they grow their own food, vegetables, and grains.


Source: CTV News / Youtube

Apart from that, the couple has access to the schools of fish in the lake, which gives them their protein fix. With that, the family has everything they need within their floating abode and can avoid unnecessary trips to the food mart.


A Touch Of Color

Catherine and Wayne incorporated some flowers to make Freedom Cove as magnificent and homely as possible. The couple planted a flower garden close to one of the greenhouses, adding color to the entire space.

Source: CTV News / Youtube

The flower plantation is well taken care of, with a vast array of flower species, making the Cove a sight to see, and one can even relax in the midst of the blooming garden.


Expanding The Garden

King had always had a passion for gardening, so they knew they had to put it to good use when they got more space. So they started planting more and more fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants, and the garden quickly flourished.


Source: CBS Sunday Morning / Youtube

Soon, the floating home was taking shape; it was a place where they had everything they could dream of, a place to lay their heads, party, farm, and relax, all without paying ridiculous amounts of money to own.


A Couple Of Water Sources

Even though Freedom Cove is literally on a lake, the family relies on other water sources for their day-to-day usage. During summertime, Wayne and Catherine get their water from a waterfall nearby, where the water is fresh and clean.

Source: CTV News / Youtube

When winter kicks in, the couple uses rainwater that they collect whenever the heavens open. This is an easy way to ensure that the home always has water for consumption, and it’s a solution that doesn’t break the bank.


Freedom Cove; The Tourist Attraction

With an art gallery, a lighthouse, and even a dance floor on the premises, it isn’t surprising that people from all over the world would want to experience the beauty that is Freedom Cove. During summer, the couple’s sustainable lifestyle attracts lots of visitors from Tofino, a district on the west coast of Vancouver Island.


Source: CBS Sunday Morning / Youtube

Apart from the visitors experiencing the unique, floating lifestyle, the place offers them the perfect getaway from the city’s hustle and bustle and a chance to soak up fresh air while consuming fresh fish and vegetables.


Only Accessible Via A Boat

Even though some floating homes can be accessed via a bridge connected to the land, Freedom Cove is quite different. The only way to get to the magnificent property Wayne and Catherine built is by boat.

Source: CBS Sunday Morning / Youtube

When heading to the home from the closest town, it takes about 45 minutes to get there. The trip on the lake makes for one fantastic adventure, and it’s no wonder the place has visitors coming in frequently.


A Project Of Necessity

When Wayne and Catherine opted to start building their home, it was because they knew with their salaries as artists, they didn’t have enough money to buy a house. As such, Freedom Cove was a project born out of necessity, and in the end, it turned out better than they expected.


Source: CBS Sunday Morning / Youtube

Now, the couple lives in a home many artists can only dream of. It took them two decades of dedication to make it a reality, but the result is worth the time and money they spent on it.


A Life Off The Grid

What started as a trial for King and Adams to try moving away from the city and living off the grid turned out to be a wholesome experience that saw them spend the next 24 years building their dream home. 

The pair succeeded in staying away from the metropolis and now enjoy years of hard work and creativity, and their love for nature radiates across Freedom Cove. Moreover, the artistic lovebirds prove that one can live entirely off the grid without breaking the bank.
