The Jaw-Dropping Lifestyles And Habits Of The Weirdly Wealthy

Published: Dec 28, 2022

American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald claimed that the rich “are different from you and me.” And philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau was quoted to have said that the people will “eat the rich” if they have nothing more to eat. The stories in this list show how much Fitzgerald and Rousseau seemed to have gotten it right.

Read on and find out for yourself if the rich really are so different from commoners like you and me and if when we have nothing left to eat–do they deserve to be eaten?

Frugality Begets Prosperity

We can’t help it if we have incorrect notions about the rich–it’s not our fault we can’t understand how it feels to sleep in a bed full of money or dive into a bathtub full of gold coins. The closest we can experience all this is by watching Scrooge McDuck. And little did we know–not all wealthy people flaunt their money.



This woman probably became rich because she opted to keep a low profile and lived way below her means. Her only understandable quirk was wearing all her designer jewelry at the gym because, why not? Still, we can take inspiration from the fact that being thrifty could eventually make us wealthy–maybe.


Frugal Is Different From Cheap

Being frugal can sometimes be a positive behavior. Spending wisely and living within your means is an effective way to save money and not waste it on mindless extravagance. However, there is a limit to being frugal.



Some claim to be practicing frugality while actually being cheapskates. This couple is a perfect example of how cheapskates operate. Why deny someone good coffee? You can either be frugal or a jerk. Giving someone working at your home the cheapest coffee imaginable will not bankrupt your savings–but it does show how bankrupt your spirit of generosity is.

Involuntary Intermittent Fasting

Being a live-in nanny is a difficult job. Essentially, your personal and professional life is managed by your employer. And at times, they may unintentionally control how you function in the house simply because you are all living under one roof.



Usually, what the family eats is the same thing you will eat. However, other times, there may be instances when the family will not eat at all, so you end up hungry. The best thing to do is to advocate for your needs. Speak up, or feel free to make yourself a sandwich. Though we admit this may be difficult depending on your employer’s expectations and if they are cheapskates like some employers unfortunately are.

Too Good For Regular Tap Water

Maybe F. Scott Fitzgerald was right when he said the rich are different from you and me. Based on this story, despite the rich living and breathing the same oxygen as everyone else, they are indeed different from us. Though they drink the same two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom the way we do, they use water far differently than us.



Using expensive water to bathe in sets the rich apart from most of us, who keep costly water in the fridge for those special occasions when we have guests or as a treat for ourselves. To waste it all on your skin is the height of wealth and insanity.

Bathe The Rich

The best thing about being rich is that you can easily afford to pay someone to clean your home. You need not lift a finger to keep your entire household spotless. But this wealthy family hired house help to do anything but clean. Though we can understand some eccentricities, this is just incomprehensible.


Making kids live and eat in such an unhygienic environment is highly unhealthy. Though they can probably afford to spend tons of money to pay their hospital bills, an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure.


Bleached Poodle

What would you do if you had adorable white poodles? How would you maintain their pristine white fur? If you are like this rich older woman, you might tell your household help to wash the dogs using bleach. But if you are of sound mind and body, you probably won’t do as you’re told in this case.



Though the elderly woman mentioned might have some subtle form of dementia, washing dogs with bleach is never a good idea. Instead, the best thing to do is use a special shampoo that keeps dog fur as white as snow.


The Naked Truth

Casual nudity is common in Germany. It is not a big deal to see naked people due to their Freikörperkultur or tradition of free body culture. The movement also advocates for the health advantages of being naked in the sun.


However, if you’re from a country that doesn’t practice such a tradition–be prepared for the shock of your life. If you are a wealthy employer, it is best to advise or warn your household help so that they won’t be shocked to see you or your family in all their naked glory during breakfast.


Dogs Are Rich People’s Best Children

We understand why some people treat their dogs better than they treat themselves. Some even treat their canine pals better than they treat their kids. And the rich are not immune to this inclination to give dogs the best life possible.



So when this dog walker revealed the kind of water fed to the dogs of this wealthy individual, we only wished we could be dogs ourselves–or at least don a dog costume and pretend to be one. That would be the only way we could drink Smartwater any minute of the day for the rest of our lives.


Sock Obsessed

While poor people manage to get stuff for free by crowd-sourcing it from friends and relatives, rich people have no issues purchasing anything they want. Those who are broke simply wait for Christmas to arrive and request everyone to gift them their preferred item. But this wealthy person simply walked into a store and paid for everything he wanted.

Source: Reddit.coms

Oddly, out of all the items to purchase–this rich person decided to buy seemingly all the socks in the world. We understand that this will come in handy just in case the apocalypse arrives and the world suddenly runs out of this footwear necessity.


Wealthy Space-Waster

This guy is a good role model for all the wealthy people in the world. While some rich individuals tend to buy everything they can get their hands on, this homeowner went the conservative route and only bought items he would use. Others would simply buy objects to fill up space. But this person decided to use his money wisely.



However, the fact that he has such a huge house and so much empty space seems like a waste in itself. Why not buy a smaller home and fill out all its spaces instead of a large house with rooms that will remain empty? We believe this question can only be answered by the wealthy people themselves.


Cheapskate When It Comes To Chips

The wealthy are indeed weird. While they often spend tons of money on high-end items, they close their wallets to simple, basic stuff that can make people less fortunate than them a little happy. It is reasonable to fork up money for something useful, but it is also logical to be cautious about less functional items.


But denying kids a bag of chips indeed takes the cake. Whatever happened to being a good host to your children’s pals? Having a guest over requires you to at least provide them with something to eat and drink. Though money can buy you lots of things, it cannot get you to be kind.


Money Can’t Cure Trashy Behavior

You can either have all the money in the world and feel entitled and lazy, or you can have none at all and feel you need to work or you won’t get to eat. We believe that more people belong in the latter and the distinct few who are the former–though less in number–can actually cause much harm.



Imagine having someone at your beck and call just to take the trash out. That’s a whole level of entitlement never before seen in the history of taking out the trash. Furthermore, where in Einstein’s logic does it make sense that you’d make someone drive for two hours to do something you can complete in less than minutes? Someone should make it make sense.


The Secret In The Basement

This story is the beginning of an enticing horror movie. Imagine being in a gorgeous, old mansion–but things make little sense upon entering. While the house looks beautiful on the outside, the inside is poorly maintained. And to add to the curiosity, something seems to be hiding in the basement.


Lo and behold, when you discover the basement is filled with used clothes, would you feel shocked, nauseous, or relieved? Though this is a poor twist to a would-be horror movie, it simply confirms the weirdness inherent in the wealthy. Are you starting to feel grateful you’re not as rich as they are?


Weird Underwear

The storyteller is correct to say that it is indeed highly odd to see lots of her employer’s underwear have holes. Surely, all that wealth is more than enough to allow someone to afford to buy decent underclothes. Plus, having a fancy profession requires one to be consistently dressed for success.



Also, just as weird was the nanny’s nosiness. Unless the employer specifically asked her to open her underwear drawer, the nanny has no right to wade through all her boss’s clothes. But now that she knows, maybe the least she can do is advise her employer to stop pretending to be homeless and start buying decent underwear befitting an affluent person.


Legos For Mom And Dad

Legos are complex toys to play with, especially if you are too young to appreciate them. Plus, they cost so much! So when the parents of this 5-year-old kid bought him fancy Lego sets, the only thing the kid could do was watch his parents play with them.


Though we appreciate the gesture parents make to keep their children happy, we also wish they bought him age-appropriate toys such as Duplos–Lego-like toys that are bigger and more suitable for small kids.


Four’s A Crowd

Everyone’s a bargain hunter in one form or another. But some have been known to go a little bit crazy. We know someone who purchased five pounds of almonds simply because they were all on sale. Another person we know has a black legging collection for no apparent reason.



Some items you simply have to buy because they are such a steal, but you know what’s not a steal? Four bathtubs. We don’t care how good the sale is–there’s no way we’d want to keep four bathtubs in our house.


The Cushiest Job Ever

Paying someone to clean your house three times a week when you’re hardly ever there seems like a total waste of money. Seriously, what’s the point? But on the other hand, we envy the housekeeper who’s getting paid to do this gig–they are definitely living the dream.


Imagine showing up to work to clean a spotless house. How and where should you even start? Consequently, you decide to do a little dusting and call it a day. Then you get paid and go home. It’s the ultimate low-effort, high-reward job. We’re just not sure how that jives with never throwing away food. But to each his own, we guess.


Hotel Shampoo Hoarder

It’s weird when people are total spendthrifts in some areas of their life and total penny-pinchers in others. Maybe the dad in this story is trying to teach his kids a lesson about the value of money by making them chip in for their meals.



However, the mom hoarding hotel shampoo and conditioner samples and never using them seems to do so out of obsession instead of practicality. It is also bizarre. Without a doubt, they can afford to buy their own shampoo. It is the ultimate form of frugality taken to the unnecessary extreme.


Blu-Ray Blues

We believe–for the most part–people who have a lot of money have earned it and have the right to do what they want with it. Though it would be great if more of them were generous with their wealth and donated to charity, no one has the right to judge how they should spend their wealth.


However, this particular situation is a little different. How can someone be so casual about spending crazy amounts of money that they don’t even bother to check if the private jet they’re considering has a Blu-ray player before buying it? Plus, hiring lawyers to handle it? Maybe they have no idea how much those guys charge per hour, or they just don’t care. Either way, this situation screams, “I have too much money, and I’m not afraid to use it!” Ultimately, we hope they don’t.


The Uninsured Lottery Winner

This story is a wild ride. It’s got everything–sudden wealth, fancy cars, fair-weather friends, and even a house fire. But the big lesson it holds is that you need to get yourself some homeowners’ insurance, especially if you’re rolling in dough like this lottery winner.



Also, we don’t advise you to keep your money in duffle bags in your house. If something happens to your house, all you’ll have left to remind you of your former riches is a charred Lamborghini in the yard. Talk about a sad turn of events. It’s like going from rags to riches and back to rags again.



Everyone involved in this doozy of a story is entirely clueless, ourselves included. Who would take a minimum-wage job that requires a two-hour commute every day? There must be minimum-wage jobs closer to home. And then there’s the couple in the story.


We’re also not surprised that they didn’t realize how far away the writer lived because why would they assume she picked a job with an unreasonable commute? But what is mind-blowing is the husband’s foul odor. How can someone be married to a guy who smells bad and not mention it to him? That’s ridiculous.


Credit Card Basics

This story serves as a heads-up to travelers. If you’re going to be splashing out on a fancy credit card while you’re far from home, make sure to let your bank or credit card company know you’ll be traveling. Otherwise, they might see a big purchase from an unfamiliar location and flag it as fraud, causing your charges to be denied.



Anyone not as wealthy as these rich folks knows the necessity of warning your bank you’re traveling. We can not wrap our heads around these wealthy people being so clueless about this basic tip.


Waste Of Wealth

Close your eyes and imagine the craziest thing you’d spend unlimited funds on. A pet monkey? A Segway to zip around town in style? A harpist to serenade you at dinnertime? I bet none of you thought of using your endless money to pay for an extra night at a hotel that you don’t even plan on using.


This guy may need to be made aware that they clean the rooms between guests. And if you’re staying at a dump of a hotel and they don’t clean the rooms, it’s not as if an extra day of emptiness is going to make it any cleaner. So this seems like a seriously flawed plan.


Everyone’s A Critic

This story is a prime example of someone judging wealthy people for doing totally reasonable things. We see no issue here at all. If these employers have a childminder, is it unreasonable to have them around when they’re planning to drink with friends and might not be in the best state to watch the kids?



Reusing plastic bags is also a must–single-use plastics are a huge environmental problem. So this family should be getting praise, not ridicule! Is it just us, or is the real issue with the writer, not the employers?


Don’t Be Mean

Unfortunately, no one in this story is coming out looking great. If the employer was mean-spirited and inappropriately flaunting her barely-clad body in front of the hired help, that’s not cool.


But the writer is also coming off as sounding like a bit of a jerk. Who cares if she kept company with much younger men? If everyone consented, then there was no issue. Also, referring to an elderly woman as “crusty” and having “reptilian skin” is unkind. Maybe the homeowner isn’t the only mean-spirited person in this story.


The House Of Me

Have you seen the movie While You Were Sleeping? There’s a scene in it where Lucy opens Peter’s wallet and finds that all the slots where people usually put pictures of their family are just full of pictures of himself, which is a real hint at what a narcissist he is.



Well, we’ve stumbled upon the real-life version of that scene. Can you imagine having your own family, people you supposedly love and cherish, yet your house is jam-packed with pictures of yourself? Of course, if you’re a famous athlete or actor, that could make sense, but your family should still matter to you, at least a little bit.


Different Financial Backgrounds

Dating someone with a different financial background can be tricky. We all learn about money and how to handle it based on our families and how our parents deal with finances. If you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth, you’re probably going to have a different relationship with money than someone who grew up on the rough side of town.


There’s nothing wrong with being rich and having your parents take care of you financially. But when you hit adulthood and you’re unsure of how to handle your own expenses–things can get a little hairy. Imagine trying to balance a checkbook when you’ve never even seen one before. It’s a recipe for disaster.


Money And Love Don’t Mix?

In the past, men were expected to financially support their partners because women were often not permitted in the workforce. But now, couples are trying to split things 50/50, which is a good step toward gender equality. However, it can be challenging when one person makes much more money than the other and refuses to compromise on expenses.



It’s sad to miss out on life experiences because your partner can’t afford them, and it can really damage the relationship. If you’re in a relationship where one person is making significantly more money, it’s essential to find a way to make things fair. Otherwise, you might end up as one of those old-timey couples where the man is out hunting for food, and the woman is stuck at home knitting. Don’t be that couple–find a way to balance things out.


The Crazy Rich

Thanks to social media and reality TV shows, we know that rich people can be crazy and even mean-spirited. Surely you’ve heard of the Real Housewives and the Kardashians. But this person got to experience firsthand how insane and scary the wealthy can be. And unfortunately, it didn’t end well.


Though all that money can buy all the private jets and fancy dinners, all these can lead to crazy fights and arguments. Unfortunately, despite having all the money in the world, it just can’t buy happiness. Fortunately, this woman figured that out and didn’t accept living an unhappy life solely for the luxuries it would bring. So if you’re considering dating someone super-rich, always remember that not all that glitters is gold.


Driving Home Drama

There are a lot of possible reasons why this person was upset. Maybe he had a ton of errands to run, or he needed to pick up his kids from school or take his sick mom to dialysis. It’s not that far-fetched to think that this guy had valid reasons for needing a car.



But if he just wanted to drive home from work, a home that he could have walked to in five minutes, maybe he needs to lighten up a bit–perhaps taking a nice walk would do the trick. Or maybe he’s just a car enthusiast and loves the feeling of being behind the wheel. Let’s not jump to conclusions and assume this guy is a spoiled brat who can’t handle a short walk. Maybe he’s just really into his car and doesn’t want to give it up. Anything is possible.


Monkey Business

At one point in our lives, we all dreamed of having a pet monkey. They’re not only cute, but they can also climb all over the place and have those wise little monkey faces that make you want to hug them. Essentially, they are like mobile stuffed toys.


Unfortunately, monkeys don’t make good pets. It is not healthy for both the owner and the animal. Monkeys need to live in their natural habitat. Therefore, if a monkey doesn’t make a good pet, it doesn’t make a good “test child” either. Also, if you need to have a “test child,” we can safely say you might not be good parents. Equating monkeys with babies is simply beyond us. Maybe this couple just wanted a cute, fluffy pet and didn’t think about the realities of having a monkey as a companion.


Can Coffee Make You Rich?

We’ve all heard the saying, “work hard, play hard,” but this couple takes that to a new level. They work long, hard hours to make their fortune and then guzzle coffee to stay awake. Though caffeine can give you a temporary energy boost, it’s not healthy to be chugging it down all the time.



Is there a correlation between being wealthy and developing caffeine-related health problems? Or does this couple simply love their coffee and don’t care about the consequences? Either way, it’s certainly a unique way to get ahead in the world.


Barbra Streisand’s Reindeers

Have you ever heard of the Streisand Effect, where you try to hide something so hard that it makes people want to know about it even more? It originated when Barbra Streisand tried to hide her house from the Internet by having Google Maps delete it. But instead of disappearing, the house became even more famous.


As a result, people piled into their cars and drove to the house–only to find that a horde of platinum reindeer guarded it. However, they couldn’t get past the reindeer, so they just stood there staring at them until they got bored and went home. Fortunately or unfortunately, no one can hide anything from the Internet.


Rich Kids Gone Wild

Parents can lead their children on two paths in life. The first path is where the parents make conscious decisions to make sure their kids don’t turn into entitled jerks and know how to behave in public, and the second path is where the parents give kids everything they want and see how everything turns out.



Kate Middleton is an excellent example of someone who turned out to be pretty normal despite growing up in wealth and privilege. However, there also exists a bunch of spoiled brats who act as if they own the world only because their parents have money. Don’t do your kids a disservice by letting them grow up to be entitled monsters.


City Slickers Vs. Countryside Folk

Have you ever met city folk who wanted to move to the countryside and become farmers? They think they’re all rugged and tough because they “work” the land and get their hands dirty. However, some of them have no idea what they’re doing. They just go around hacking away at trees pretending to be lumberjacks.


Though some who come from the city are genuinely good at it, some just want to play at being farmers without really understanding what it takes. It’s not exactly the countryside’s gain when these city slickers run around ruining nature.


Parents Prioritize Play

This couple decided to spend a ton of money on something that would make their kids go outside, get some exercise, and use their imaginations. Of course, that’s practically unheard of in this day and age.



Kudos to this F1 driver and his spouse for thinking their kids deserve something fun and wholesome to play with. It might have cost a ton of money, but at least their kids will run around and get some fresh air instead of sitting inside all day.


Monster Waste

Have you ever heard the urban legend about food that never goes bad? Apparently, Twinkies have a magical preservative that keeps them fresh forever. There are also claims that McDonald’s burgers are basically indestructible and will never spoil. But then again, these claims may not be true, and these food items just dry out before they go bad.


It is also unbelievable that a Monster Energy drink would have an expiration date considering that its ingredients seemed to have come from a chemical laboratory. But apparently, some people are buying cases of Monster just to throw them away once they expire.


Mad Hatter

We’ve all heard stories about how rich people are rude, out of touch, and unpleasant to be around. But this next story takes it to a whole new level. We’re talking about a wealthy individual who is not only entitled and rude but also violent and dangerous–because who in their right mind would threaten to kill someone over a hat?



We guess there must be some other underlying issues at play–such as some mental or emotional problems. Even the most entitled rich people aren’t usually this crazy. We guess there’s always one exception to the rule.


Laziest Gig Ever?

This family is living the high life as they can afford both an au pair and a pet sitter whenever they are out of town. As a result, the au pair and the pet sitter were similarly living the high life as they could handle the responsibility of both jobs with little stress.


Essentially, both of them were paid to do very little work. It is the ultimate cushy job! We can only guess they were living their best lives while the family was off gallivanting on their vacation.


A Cleaning Novice

Can you imagine living with someone who has never cleaned in their life and has no clue how to do it? The best thing to do is to suggest that a maid be hired to take care of things. But on the bright side, it would be funny to discover their unique cleaning methods.



Does this method actually work? They’re basically bleaching everything. So, in theory–that should clean things up. But then again, we firmly believe in using actual cleaning products as intended. Either way, living with a cleaning novice could be a real adventure or a real pain.


Waste Of Good Eggs

It’s easy to love hard-boiled eggs. They have a long shelf life, and they are packed with nutrients. People have all sorts of weird food preferences, and maybe this actress just really enjoys them.


But what is exceptionally puzzling is that she makes twelve hard-boiled eggs, eats two, and throws the rest away–every single day. Hard-boiled eggs can last a long time. Plus, they’re super fun to dye and hide around the yard for Easter. This is so much food waste and missed opportunities.


Bedding Gone Wild

Who would have thought bedding was necessary for sleeping? Apparently, not this mother. Though getting kids to explore nature is necessary, depriving them of technology and the joys of screens and video games is too much.



But the absence of bedsheets is such a big thing it is tough to ignore. The woman is wealthy and depriving her kids of clean sheets is beyond our logic. Perhaps she thought her kids would be fine snuggling up with a nice pile of dirty laundry. Who needs bed sheets when you’ve got an entire wardrobe of clothes to keep you warm at night–right?
