Meet The Newest AKC-Recognized Dog Breeds

Last updated: Jul 21, 2021

Since its inception in 1878, the American Kennel Club has officially recognized 196 different breeds.

Earning a place on this highly regarded list is no walk in the park. In order to qualify, the breed has to be recognized by another country, has to have existed for at least 40 years, and have a minimum of 150 dogs with three-generation pedigrees in the United States.

Because of those high stakes, it takes some time for breeds to make the list. Below are the 25 most recent dog breeds the AKC has recognized.

Norwegian Lundehund

The adorably small and multi-colored Norwegian Lundehund was officially registered into the non-sporting group in 2011.

As cute as this pup is, it’s best known for its unique features, like having six toes on each paw and a flexible neck that allows them to turn fully around in narrow spaces.


Typical Norwegian Lundehund in the spring garden

This breed weighs between 20-30 pounds on average and lives for up to 15 years.


Cesky Terrier

The hairy Cesky terrier was also inducted into the AKC in 2011.

Distinguished easily by its facial hair, this cute canine weighs between 14 and 24 pounds and can live up to 15 years.


Because of their often chill personality, Cesky terriers make excellent pups for older people.

They’re also the Czech Republic’s national dog.

Russell Terrier

Although this is a pretty common dog breed in America, the AKC only recognized it in 2012.

The tiny terrier usually weighs between 9 to 15 pounds and lives up to 12 to 14 years.


Characterized as a high-energy dog, these pups need tons to exercise and play before they’re ready to settle down.

Treeing Walker Coonhound

This breed has become so popular with dog lovers in the U.S. that the AKC calls it “the people’s choice.”

Still, it was only recognized by the organization in 2012 as a part of the hound group.


The Treeing Walker Coonhound is a large dog, weighing between 50 and 70 pounds, and can live up to 13 years.


This people-pleasing, hardworking pup was on the verge of extinction not too long ago, and even today, it’s one of the rarest dog breeds registered by the AKC.

In 2013, it was named to the organization’s working group.

The Chinook is known for being great with children and people in general. In fact, Admiral Richard Byrd brought a team of Chinook dogs when he embarked on an expedition to America way back in 1928.

These dogs weigh up to 90 pounds and live between 12 to 15 years on average.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno

This tiny hound has a lot of history.

Even though it was only recognized by the AKC in 2013, many people believe that this breed is ancient and that it was first brought to Portugal generations ago by Moorish Phoenician, and Roman traders.


Today, this little pup makes a great family companion.

It weighs up to 13 pounds and lives about 15 years on average.


Rat Terrier

While it may not be the best breed name out there, rat terriers are as loveable as they come.

The breed was registered in 2013, and since then, has performed well in shows and agility competitions, which makes sense due to their high levels of intelligence.

The rat terrier usually weighs between 10 and 25 pounds and lives for up to 8 years.


Wirehaired Vizsla

It’s no surprise that this breed was inducted into the AKC’s sporting group in 2014.

Easy to train, this breed is often taught how to hunt and is successful in doing so on land and in water.


While they can be high-energy dogs, Wirehaired Vizslas are also known to be calm dogs when domesticated.

They grow to weigh up to 65 pounds and can live up to 14 years.


Coton de Tulear

This fluffy pup is literally named for its plush fur. Coton translates to “cotton” in Frace, where this breed originates. It was also one of the preferred lapdogs for the noblemen of Madagascar.

Its coat isn’t just pretty; it’s also low-shedding, which makes this dog a popular option for people with allergies.

The Coton was added to the AKC list in 2014. It usually weighs between 8 and 15 pounds and has been known to live for up to 18 years.



Obviously, this breed is one of the larger ones on the AKC list.

Inducted in 2015, the Boerboel can weigh around 200-pounds on average, making it a great option for those looking for a guard dog.


The breed originates from South Africa and was used to protect homesteads of Dutch and German settlers. They can live for up to 11 years.

Because of its strong and muscular big, this dog requires a family with experience and is not recommended for novice dog owners.


Cirneco dell’Etna

Notice something familiar about this dog breed? You may have come across it in some ancient Egyptian artwork.

According to the AKC (which registered the breed in 2015), the Cirneco dell’Etna looks very similar to a pharaoh hound.

However, the Cirneco dell’Etna is much smaller. On average, this dog weighs between 17 and 26 pounds and lives between 12-14 years.

In addition to its historical resemblance, this dog is also known for its excellent sense of hearing.


Lagotto Romagnolo

Lovingly nicknamed the “truffle dog,” this Italian breed was added to the AKC’s official list in 2015 as a part of the sporting group.

Even though this dog resembles a stuffed animal, it’s not just interested in play.


Known for being a strong and determined working dog, this breed would make an excellent addition to most family homes.

Lagottos weigh up to 35 pounds on average and can live anywhere from 15-17 years.


Spanish Water Dog

Registered to the AKC in 2015, this scruffy pup hails from the Iberian Peninsula and was named for how often they can be found around the water.

This breed is a rustic one that’s best distinguished by its coat of tight-yet thick curls.

The Spanish water dog’s demeanor is one that’s playful while still hardworking.

It weighs around 49 pounds on average and can live from 12-14 years.


Miniature American Shepherd

Everything is sweeter when it’s mini — including dogs.

The miniature American shepherd, which is a smaller version of the Australian shepherd, was officially recognized by the AKC in 2015.


While this dog may be small, it’s still considered an extremely hard worker, which is why it was inducted into the AKC’s herding group.

They weigh 20-40 pounds on average and live for up to 13 years.


Berger Picard

This dog’s claim to fame is starring in the classic movie “Because of Winn Dixie.” However, it wasn’t registered to the AKC until 2015.

It was formerly bred to be a herder in northern France, and almost nearly went extinct in the 20th century.

Berger Picards have those classic sheepdog characteristics of stubbornness and independence. And because of that, they require a lot of training and physical activity.

These dogs usually weigh between 50 and 70 pounds and can live up to 13 years.


Bergamasco Sheepdog

Despite how wild their coats are, the Bergamasco sheepdog is actually one of the most low-maintenance pups on the list.

Added to the AKC’s herding group in 2015, this dog is best known for its unique coat that looks like a mixture of a mop head and dreadlocks.


This breed is named after the Alpine town it’s most associated with, Bergamo, which is near Milan. It’s been a popular breed there for centuries.

Bergamascos can weigh up to 84 pounds and live anywhere from 13 to 15 years.



Added to the AKC’s herding group in 2016, the Pumi hails from Hungary and is known for its high intelligence and willingness to work.

This dog stands out from the rest of the herding dogs thanks to its corkscrew curls, making it a great pup to snuggle up on the couch with.

This medium-sized dog weighs around 29 pounds on average and lives for up to 12-13 years.



With long legs and a lean build, it’s no surprise that the Sloughi makes for an excellent hunter. In fact, this ancient breed was originally used for hunting a variety of game that lived in the North African deserts.

Today this pup is nicknamed the “Arabian Greyhound,” and is known for being a gentle, sweet pet.


This breed was registered to the AKC’s hound group in 2016. It weighs around 50 pounds on average and lives anywhere from 10 to 15 years.


American Hairless Terrier

This energetic breed made AKC history in 2016 when it became the first-ever hairless breed that originated in the United States.

While it’s official origin location hasn’t been determined, many believe it comes from a rat terrier litter in Lousiana.

Because it’s hairless, this is another great option for people with allergies.

This tiny terrier weighs between 12 and 16 pounds and can live up to 16 years old.


Nederlandse Kooikerhondje

With a face similar to that of the spaniel breed, the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje can be distinguished by their large ears and feathery tails.

This Dutch breed is known for being loyal, friendly, and hardworking — a combination that makes it the perfect addition to AKC’s sporting group.


It was inducted in 2018, but this old breed dates all the way back to the Middle Ages, where it was used to help track ducks.

These dogs are usually 20 to 30 pounds and can live for up to 15 years.


Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen

This laidback and lovable pup was registered to the AKC’s hound group in 2018. And its name—which roughly translates to “large, low, shaggy dog of the Vendée” in French—accurately describes its demeanor.

This dog has a lot of stamina and doesn’t tire easily, so they would do best with an owner who can give them lots of exercise.

Originally bred as a French scenthound, these dogs are over 400 years old.

Today, they weigh up to 45 pounds and live anywhere from 13 to 15 years.



The Azawakh has only been apart of the AKC’s hound group since 2019, but it’s existed for centuries in the arid area near the Sahara Desert known as the Azawakh Valley.

They used to be bred for hunting and helped provide their families with meat along with providing protection.


Today, these tall and elegant dogs are just as loyal. Still, their long legs and endless energy require a lot of physical activity.

Azawakhs weigh between 35 to 55 pounds and can live up to 15 years.


Dogo Argentino

This cheerful pup was added to the AKC working group in 2020—and when you hear of its history, you can see why.

In 1928, an Argentinan doctor bred this dog by cross-breeding several purebred dogs known for their fighting skills. But the doctor quickly recognized the Dogo Argentino’s hunting ability, especially when it came to chasing wild boars and pumas.

Today, these dogs are known for their friendly demeanor and nearly white coat.

Large canines, they can weigh up to 100 pounds and live for up to 15 years.



Another dog added to the AKC’s sporting group in 2020, the Barbet was originally bred in France to hunt water game such as ducks and geese.

In addition to its curly hair, it’s known for its sweet nature and sociable demeanor, which makes it an excellent pet for most families.


These dogs can weigh up to 65 pounds and can live anywhere from 12 to 14 years.


Belgian Laekenois

The most recent dog added to the AKC is the Belgian Laekenois, who entered the herding group in 2020.

This breed is one of Belgium’s four native dogs, although it differs greatly in its coat’s color, texture, and length.

While this breed was originally trained to guard, it was also used as a messenger dog during World War I and II.

Today, this intelligent dog is a popular pet choice due to its affectionate and sweet nature. It weighs around 65 pounds and lives for 10 to 12 years.
