Laziness in Unprecedented Situations that Set the Internet Abuzz

By: Ene Ayegba | Last updated: Nov 20, 2023

Some of the many solutions we enjoy today are products of their inventor’s laziness. For example, the person who invented cars probably wanted an easier way to move around. Also, many of our household gadgets were invented through the initiative of someone who wanted a task to be much easier.

However, there are some people who downright push the limits of laziness. Though more liberal than ever, internet users still call out these lazy people. Let’s find out who they are.

Never Too Lazy to Eat

If you’re healthy enough to lift food to your mouth from a plate, then you ought to muster some strength to do the dishes. In this frame, we see an exceptionally lazy person who, after downing their meal, decided to return the dish to the fridge.


Source: Reddit

We are pretty sure this person doesn’t live alone, and they expect someone else to take care of their grub pan.


Cursing the Blizzard

The owner of this car was probably expecting someone to advise them to properly defrost their windshield after a snowstorm. This is one of the many realities of life that we just have to live with.


Source: Reddit

Yes, it would definitely take some extra effort, but it’s very unlikely that you’ll catch the flu while doing it. Also, a clean windshield will keep you from driving over the road ramp, into the woods, or river.

Deviant or Just Unapologetically Lazy?

It’s a display of disrespect for others when we use public facilities inappropriately. People who deliberately destroy fittings on the subway or litter the highway with debris are the lazy or just inconsiderate.


Source: Reddit

As can be seen in the picture, the user of this restroom totally ignored the waste bin and instead opted to litter the restroom floor. Yes, there are janitors to clean up such places, but this is way lower than the barest minimum of public ethics.


If you’re looking for an image with which to teach your children “how not to live,” this is it. No excuse whatsoever can erase the sky-high laziness of the owner of this space.


Source: Reddit

From the gadget set-up, it’s easy to deduce that they’re either a pro-gamer or a wannabe live streamer. However, no drive for expertise, in any career, should make anyone live in such conditions. We’re here wondering if they ever have friends over.

A House of Antiquities

Growing up, you might have some items to which you’ve attached sentimental value. With such items, it’s often difficult to part ways. However, that’s definitely not the case with these old TVs.

Source: Reddit

The owner is just too lazy to put them out for the garbage truck. We can’t seem to see any logic behind leaving that pile of old items in your living area without attaching a label of chronic laziness.


Care to Buy Some Garbage?

You’ve just got off from work and decide to drive by the local mall, to pick up some items. Then you find this while walking through one of the isles. Well, our one comment is: “Don’t be a Karen,” at least not this type.


Source: Reddit

The individual that left such trash behind has probably not imagined themselves in the shoes of staff at the mall. Such public places have easy-access waste disposal systems. How difficult could it possibly be? This Karen deserves our lazy bone badge.


Is it Dirty? Then, thrash It!

These types of people are not very common because of their exceptional tendencies to indulge in lazy habits. This category of people will use one piece of underwear for a while without washing it and just throw it away.

Source: Reddit

This lady’s roommate operates in that league of laziness. She uses dishes in the kitchen, and when she can no longer bear the pile throws it all out. Their laziness has made them a major contributor to global pollution.


Lazy Picassos

It is true that artistic creatives can be sometimes disorganized, particularly during the long hours of their ideation process. However, what we see in this picture is a telltale sign of laziness; laziness to check the can lid for the appropriate color. Is it possible that they’re color blind?


Source: Reddit

In another thought, they are probably just being mean and are out to give someone an extra job to do. But, you know, that’s no way to live.



While this is a common sight at shopping malls, it still isn’t the right way to act. Once you’re done removing your wares from a shopping cart, you should know better than to just leave it there in the parking lot.

Source: Facebook

Imagine having to remove about three carts from behind your vehicle before backing out of the parking lot. Don’t put anyone in that kind of position; take your cart back to the designated spot.


These Folks Are Definitely Not Japanese

During one of the soccer world cups in which Japan participated, Japanese fans were usually caught on camera cleaning the spectator stands after each game.


Source: Reddit

Take a look at this public park that had earlier played host to a gender reveal party. Unfortunately, the celebrants were not mindful enough to clean up after them. This is quite inconsiderate, seeing the space is not their private lawn.


The Lazy Vendor

While we’ve called out a number of mall shoppers, let’s shift the spotlight to mall staff. We understand that the price of buffalo wings changes with time; however, decency begs that you change the tags in the proper way.

Source: Reddit

We are very sure that a store that big, with a frozen section, would have a ladder that she could have used. This is another manifestation of laziness in its hyper form. No one wants their chicken smelling like dirty feet.


The Hanging Willow

It is interesting how far some people will go when they perceive no one is watching. The person who captured and posted the picture on Reddit has been perplexed at seeing plastic bags hanging from a tree close to their residence.


Source: Reddit

On a certain day, by sheer coincidence, they found this woman walking her dog. She dumped a bag similar to the other ones as she walked by. Apparently, she has made a lazy habit of improperly disposing of her dog’s poop.


Looks Like Grilled Tuna

The man in this picture has probably been to the beach lately. He must have asked someone to apply some sunscreen on his back, but it was too much of a job for them as they did not spread the cream evenly.

Source: Reddit

We just hope the victim does not suffer complications of sunburn. Too lazy to get something done as expected? Turning down the request is better off than half-hearted delivery.


Another Half-hearted Effort

Imagine yourself walking into a toilet to find something like this. As a decent person, the odds are very slim that you’ll leave the stall and tissue the way you found it.


Source: Reddit

The unwritten rule about public facilities is that: if you love meeting such facilities in order, then always leave it better than you met it. It’s disturbing that someone would wet the toilet paper like this.


Another Mismanagement of Toilet Resources

Well, we know that most personal lavatories don’t have waste bins. So, users commonly turn their head when the paper roll gets exhausted. They just find some other way of taking care of the business.

Source: Reddit

Also, when they do bring in a fresh roll of toilet paper, they most likely leave the empty roll, as you can see in the picture. Maybe you don’t want to be mistaken for the janitor. We can’t think of any other excuse for your laziness.


Self-care Bath

Some of these issues that have trended on the Internet are not just cases of laziness but of selfishness. Hear us out.


Source: Reddit

It’s perfectly fine to have a special bath and treat your skin nicely. We are, in fact, aware that it takes special effort to do some of these bath routines — some people need to be motivated to take their regular baths. However, only a lack of mindfulness would make you leave a bathtub in this kind of state.


Making your Grandma the Chauffeur

It is bad enough that age has confined grandma to a motorized wheelchair, but having her drag you around the mall in a cart? That’s the height of laziness.

Source: Reddit

The chap is probably one to throw tantrums. We don’t know how old the kid is, but he should be the one helping grandma with the shopping, not the other way around.


Hair Dust in the Wash Basin

Some men cannot stand beards growing on their face, so they cut it frequently. Regular grooming of this sort can score you good-looking points within the neighborhood.


Source: Reddit

But wait till someone comes around and discovers this is how you leave your basin after shaving. Don’t be lazy, and wash down that filth with some water.


Landlord-Tenant Relationships

Several factors might influence the cordiality of a tenant’s relationship with their landlord, and this is definitely not one of them. Imagine you paying to have a portion of the property painted, and you get this.

Source: Reddit

The implication is you’ll have to incur another expense to crack the code that stands before you. All thanks to the lazy painter. Pray that they are not responsible for you car paint job.


Life's Hard Enough Already

Folks are always looking for the easy fix. They excuse themselves with comments about having a long day at work, or wanting to save up their energy for something else.


Source: Reddit

You’re just plain lazy! If the long queue on the escalator doesn’t discourage you, try to get in some steps. Exercise is not limited to hitting the gym alone, so get active.


Homemade Candles

See those wax molds on the counter? They’re probably trying to make some incensed candles for their next date. However, things don’t always go as we planned.

Source: Reddit

Nonetheless, you cannot afford to leave a mess like that even if you’re tired, or have been working all day. It becomes worse when you make your flatmate meet the apartment in this state.


The Champion of Half-hearted Laziness

This painter is giving us the impression that they volunteered to have the space painted, or maybe it’s even their personal space. Because there’s no way we are paying for this kind of service.


Source: Reddit

The very least they could have done was to remove the coats and caps. Then, if they want a detailed finish, the hanger would get unscrewed before proceeding with the job. But, no. They’re obviously a chief in the lazy clan.


Zoom in On that Arm!

We were going to call out this woman for this lazy trick, then we noticed she’s probably avoiding throwing her weight around (pun intended).

Source: Twitter

However, that’s the more reason for her to walk those dogs herself. She needs the exercise too. Then, there’s the issue of traffic disruption, though we reckon she’ll be mindful to do this in a residential area.


Collective Laziness

It’s likely that this mess was left behind by a group of friends or maybe even a family. When lazy people are in a group of like-minds, all caution goes to the air.


Source: Reddit

The mere thought that the theatre isle gets cleaned by others should restrain anyone from leaving such mess.


Lazy is Doing the Barest Minimum

This delivery person was probably in a hurry to pick up their kid from school or came on foot and needed to catch the subway. We can’t just think of a realistic excuse for doing your job in such a shabby way.

Source: Reddit

Imagine expecting an important package and finding it lying in the walkway several hours later. Ringing the bell or knocking would have gone a long way. So, we would equally have lodged a complaint.


A Patriot of the Animal Kingdom

Everyone has a heavy piece of furniture that they go around when cleaning. Sometimes, we just can’t be bothered to move that sofa or table.


Source: Reddit

They were mindful enough to get the place painted but were too patriotic to move the insect remains during the reconstruction. Who in the world leaves dead roaches and insects on the wall while painting, or are we the only ones seeing this?


Taking It Too Far

Smartphones, like other innovative technologies, are good but can be unknowingly abused. Yes, when you use technology the wrong way, you’re abusing it, and usually to the detriment of your health.

Source: Reddit

The guy in this photo has obviously forgotten how to use his legs or how to push a cart, all thanks to innovative technology. Many of these products are meant to make life easier, not drive it to a halt!


Follow the Crowd

This picture is quite unnerving. Imagine yourself being one of the staff that would sort out this pile of skate shoes. We are sure at least one of those workers once had a nightmare that featured a pile like this.


Source: Reddit

After skating, it would cost you nothing to hand in your rented shoes personally. This pile shows how laziness causes more work for others.


A World Record?

We can’t help but wonder if some of the cases we’ve considered so far involved people who were trying to outdo themselves. Because how do we explain this pile of trash in an indoor bin?

Source: Reddit

This does not look like trash from an overnight house party, which would have been excusable. But this is a carefully engineered tower of rubbish that took days and laziness to build.


Want A Ride?

We wouldn’t hitch a ride with this kind of driver, would you? Because they’ll be the only one to see where the car’s going, and you’ll never know when the potential kidnap begins.


Source: Reddit

However, humour aside, it would have taken them just a little additional effort to get the snow off the other side of that windshield and the entire car. They could give an excuse saying they were running late, but it still oozes laziness.


Pet Poop Has Business Potentials

Want to make some money? Then, exploit the laziness of some dog owners. Your potential customers are too lazy to dispose of the dog poop properly and would give anything for you to scoop it off their carpet.

Source: Reddit

Getting a pet is like having a child, if they can’t care for it, then better not have one. Why would anyone make themselves a lazy inconvenience to the environment?


Return those Drumsticks

This person probably craved for some chicken when they passed by the isle for frozen foods. Then towards the end of their shopping, they realized they’d taken too much or couldn’t afford everything in the cart.


Source: Reddit

Is this a good way to behave? They could simply have returned the chicken to the freezer. Unfortunately, it has now gone bad after many days in the wrong section.


The Library Trolls

It may seem a bit of an irony to find manifestations of laziness in places of enlightenment. But, why are we even surprised, since we’re speaking of the humans?

Source: Reddit

This category of people visit the library or bookstore and forget to return the books they’ve checked to their rightful places. Also, littering the floor with books, as we see in the picture, is a bit too much. We just hope someone will be kind enough to call attention of staff to the pile.


Of Shared Laudromats

If you’ve ever lived in an apartment building where tenants share some spaces, it’s likely you’re familiar with this scenario. The laundromat in this picture has been literally made a dumpsite.


Source: Reddit

The culprit will give the excuse of keeping the dirty laundry in a pile till they have some spare time. But, we can bet you they no longer intend to use those garments, and are too lazy to discard them.


Refrigerator or Refuse Dump?

This can be excused if the owner of these leftovers was away from their apartment for a while and there was a power outage in the building. However, it would shock you to know that some folks don’t eat or remove leftovers from their refrigerators until it starts going moldy.

Source: Reddit

Such laziness is not only wasteful but also unhealthy. Moldy items cause fresh food that is close by to spoil easily.


Lid Too Heavy to Lift

So we don’t come off as insatiable, we commend this person for removing the trash from their living area. At least, they were thoughtful enough to bring the bulk to the trash stand.


Source: Reddit

However, take another look at the pile. The overfilled bin will easily spill unto the floor and create a mess. They could have opened up the other bin and spread out the trash.


Too Lazy to Take Initiative

The person or team that did this road marking definitely lacks a supervisor that follows up on their work. If not, they would have pointed out the problem in this picture.

Source: Reddit

Instead of going around the plant, they could have cut it down and had the markings done properly. Even if the plant is rare and endangered, they could have made some arrangements to have it transplanted.


Renovation At the Spur of the Moment

When making use of a space for some new purposes, renovation might be inevitable. But it is always important to consider how well the available facilities fit the new purpose.


Source: Reddit

The constructor of the office space in this picture did not factor in the need of power outlets in the resulting cubicles. So far, the spaces are equally divided, the ofice is good to go, or so they thought.


The Apex of Laziness

To achieve success at anything in life, we’ll need a fair dose of passion. However, it is also important to learn how to balance this out and live a well-adjusted life.

Source: Reddit

We are sure a nuclear meltdown would not occur if this person laid down their gaming console before eating the pizza. But not them, they’d rather eat their cake and have it!
