Unveiling Bedlam: A Funny Take on Hotels That Didn’t Meet Expectations

By: Tyler Connaghan | Last updated: Nov 04, 2023

We’ve all been there—looking forward to a relaxing getaway, only to find ourselves checking into what will eventually be our worst nightmare. From questionable cleanliness to rude staff, some hotels can’t seem to get it right.

Luckily for you, we’ve compiled a list of the most hilarious hotel fails that will make you grateful for even the most mediocre of stays. So sit back, relax, and prepare to chuckle as we take a comical look at hotels that failed to deliver the goods.

Far Away TP

When faced with such a predicament, your choices are limited. You could muster what little dignity remains and make your way to the toilet paper roll, or, if that’s not your style, you could reach for the nearest towel and hope for the best.


Source: Reddit

Neither option is remotely enticing. However, what other choice do you have in a situation like this? Of course, you could attempt to shout for assistance, but that’s only feasible if you don’t lock the bathroom door.


No Way Out

If an emergency arises during your stay at this hotel, it may be wise to cross your fingers and hope for the best. The confusing and disorienting experience of navigating through this establishment while an alarm is going off could result in yet another emergency.


Source: Reddit

But if the door in the photo turns out to be a room, your best bet might be to have magical wizard powers. Then, with a bit of faith, you could try to go through the wall like Platform 9 ¾ and escape to safety.

Stuck in the Shower

This traveler had planned a cross-country journey to see his buddies and decided to spend a night at a hotel with his girlfriend to recharge before hitting the road again. However, fate had other plans in store for him, and he found himself trapped in the shower.


Source: Reddit

Being trapped in the bathroom is frustrating enough, but being stuck in the shower is a whole other level of inconvenience. Imagine being trapped while soaking wet and completely naked!

A Hard Pool to Dive Into

The parents who checked into this Motel 6 were eagerly looking forward to taking a break and letting their kids enjoy a swim in the pool. But they were in for a surprise when they saw the state of the “pool.”


Source: Reddit

It was so overgrown with grass that it looked more like a miniature golf course than a place to take a dip. And to add insult to injury, the poolside shepherd’s ladders were still in place as if mocking the family’s bitter disappointment.

You’ll Never Be Able to Shake This One

While we understand that hotel amenities may not always be five-star, we can usually settle for basic necessities like salt and pepper packets. But what if the packets are not quite what we had in mind?

Source: Tumblr

Were the hotel staff so incompetent that they thought this was how salt and pepper shakers worked? Or did they just like watching confused guests try to get them out? We have so many questions, but one thing’s for sure: If you see something like this in your hotel, it might be a good idea to check out early.
