“Broken” Objects That Prove They Had A Previous Life

Published: Dec 28, 2022

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But the objects in this list are not just broken—they just seem to have been pulled out from the dumpster and given new life. We believe everyone deserves a second chance—even inanimate items—but some on this list are just pushing their luck. 

There are a few treasures here that would fetch more than a few bucks, especially from quirky collectors of rare finds. 

Two Books In One

We’re not sure why everyone is getting worked up by a mistake this company made while publishing Canadian author Steven Erikson’s book. Apparently, a few pages of it belong to another Steven—or, Stephen. Specifically, it’s from horror master Stephen King.


Source: reddit.com

We think this book is a steal. Where else can you get two books from such esteemed authors at one price? Unfortunately, someone was unimpressed and thought it best to relegate this book to the bin. But we stand by our belief that this is a rare novel that deserves some notoriety at least.


We’re All Babies Inside

This screwdriver seems a metaphor for all of us living in this world. We may look like grownups outside, but some parts of ourselves are still kids inside. Thanks to this photo, we have this screwdriver as a living, breathing symbol of that fact.


Source: bles.com

Baby screwdrivers are handy tools, but this one wanted to go to the big leagues sooner rather than later. Fortunately, someone discovered its disguise, so it’s back to the playground for this miniature tool.

The Mummy

Just when you think movies like “The Mummy” were just figments of someone’s wild imagination, enter this accidental archeological find which confirmed that fact is weirder than fiction. Researchers discovered a Buddha statue in 1990. Approximately a thousand years old, researchers put it through several tests to determine how to restore it to its original form. 


Source: mynet.com

However, as it went through an x-ray, a mummy was seen inside. Considered the first of its kind ever unearthed, scientists decided to keep the mummy “unwrapped” due to the possible risk of it disintegrating once opened.

The Most Orangest Of All Oranges

A freshly squeezed orange juice could either be the start of a bright day or the beginning of a rise in blood sugar (thanks to all the fructose). Either way, we bet that if you started your day peeling this orange, you might have ended up shaking your head or wondering what rule of nature this specific fruit broke.


Source: reddit.com

It is rare to see an orange inside an orange. But if you ever do, best to take a snapshot of it for posterity’s sake. Maybe upload the picture on social media and let the experts and scientists figure out what led nature to produce such an odd-looking fruit.

Fake Advertisement 

The shoe deodorant is such an ingenious product. We can think of a few people who would benefit from using one regularly. When this company advertised its very own product specially made for those whose feet needed some loving scent, we were all for it. 

Source: bles.com

If you purchased one and opened it up, only to find out that the purported shoe deodorant was actually a woman’s antiperspirant, would you feel scammed or would you dismiss this as simply a logical way to re-brand a product? Can the smell of women’s armpits be equated with that of a foot? 


Handy Charger For Two

It’s always handy to have an in-car USB charger as these devices ensure that your cellphone will never run out of batteries, especially when you need it the most. But what if two people need to have their phones charged?


Source: reddit.com

Fortunately, this device was specially made to solve that problem. This tiny charger packs a lot of punch as it has a secret—remove its cover you will see that it actually holds two USB ports. It’s perfect for those who are on the go and need to always be connected anytime and anywhere.


Grape Inside A Grape

Just when you thought nature couldn’t get any weirder, enter this mutated food which could challenge the way you thought about fruit. A grape inside a grape is a special bonus—you get two pieces in one!

Source: reddit.com

Imagine if the person who was eating this grape simply popped this in their mouth—we would have all missed this unique sight. Still, we can only wonder what is happening in nature to cause this one-of-a-kind albeit fruitful situation.


Double The Luck

If you think luck is not on your side with this dice, think again. Imagine how you’d feel using this in a board game, dropping it, and finding out that there’s another dice inside. If you threw the dice and the resulting numbers were not the winning ones, tough luck.


Source: reddit.com

But if you scratched its surface and saw that the one inside showed the winning number, then they would probably consider you a winner. If not, then we believe it’s still cool you actually have two dice, not one.


Best Way To Recycle

At first glance, this seemed to be a high-quality laptop protector. But this is actually not the “case.” Who knew that this sleek, dark leather was actually packed with toothpaste boxes? Instead of throwing them out and filling up the earth with unnecessary junk, this company did some recycling.

Source: brightside.com

Some consider this a rip-off, as cardboard boxes aren’t sturdy enough to protect a technological device, but we’d like to think that it went through testing and met regulatory requirements. We’re just glad to see some upcycling rather than more landfills of waste.


Queen On The Outside, Pawn On The Inside

The purpose of the game of chess is to protect the king and queen at all costs. The queen is considered the most powerful piece on the board. Her abilities on the squares can make or break a victory.


Source: boredpanda.com

However, the queen in this game seems like an imposter and not royalty at all. We now ask if a checkmate would apply if this queen were ever trapped in a corner, considering it was just a lowly pawn. Then again, aren’t real-life royals just people with fancy hats, anyway?


Tangerine Inside A Tangerine 

The natural world is getting weirder by the minute. We are not sure if this is one of Mother Nature’s miracles or if this is a genetically modified product. Though we appreciate the uniqueness of this tangerine, we wonder about the process it went through to come out this way.

Source: reddit.com

We also like the cuteness of this crazy tangerine inside a tangerine. Imagine peeling this tiny fruit and enjoying the burst of sweetness this tiny tangerine will make on your tongue. It is so adorable we prefer to just look at it and enjoy its existence.


Functionally Fashionable

We remember slapping these colorful bracelets on our friends and on our own wrists back in the day. But who knew these items actually had another use more than just being enjoyable eye candies?


Source: reddit.com

Apparently, when you pull back the wrapping on these bracelets, you might discover that it’s a tape measure in disguise. You can look fancy while also capable of measuring the width and length of your wrist and arm, or both. We can’t blame you if you don’t think that’s fun. But we think it’s remarkable.


Paying Extra For An Extra Crab?

Seafood enjoyers love seeing crab on a menu. Crab is one of the best ocean-based meats. However, catching a crab is not easy. If you order one, expect to pay a relatively hefty price. But this customer got lucky when he happened to spot something on his plate that he didn’t intentionally order.

Source: reddit.com

How would you react if you saw a small cooked crab on your plate? Pleased that his mussel had a free crab, this happy customer can’t help but take a snapshot of it to share with his friends. Remember, if there’s no picture, it didn’t happen.


The Little Apple That Could

This little apple seed couldn’t wait to burst forth into the world, so it decided to make an apple its home. We swear this seed was more than ready to grow into a tree as quickly as it could. However, an unsuspecting snacker foiled its plan and instead gave us a glimpse of the seed’s sprouting journey.


Source: reddit.com

We hope that the snacker planted this surprising find and waited until the seed grew into a fully developed tree. Who knows? Maybe it will have lots of apples with similar sprouts inside its fruit.


Mother Nature Is Messing With Us

What is happening to the natural world? Add this hard-boiled egg to the list of weird food occurrences and try to wrack your brain with a logical explanation for this phenomenon.

Source: reddit.com

Finding an egg inside an egg is so rare that it is difficult to know how to react upon seeing this. Will you be happy because you essentially got an additional egg for free, or should you start to worry about the consistency of these puzzling occurrences?


The Mystery Of The Bowling Pool Ball

No one knows how this bowling ball was created. Our theory is that it was created by a pool player who was also a bowler. Maybe he wanted to combine the two sports. Thus he decided to place pool balls inside a bowling ball because—why not? 


Source: imgur.com

Or could it be that the beloved bowling ball is just a rebel pool ball in disguise? We may never know the truth, but one thing is for sure: this bowling ball is rolling its way into the annals of history (and the gutter).


The Legend Of The Golf Ball

Have you heard the story of how a golf ball found its way into a tree? Once upon a time, a golf ball met its fate stuck in a tree. The golfer tried and tried to retrieve it, but to no avail. So, they left the ball to its tree-bound fate and went about their day.

Source: reddit.com

Years passed. Then, one day, the tree was chopped down and split in half. Lo and behold, there was the golf ball, preserved in wood for all eternity. And thus, a unique piece of art was born, complete with a hilarious golfing backstory.


Eat Yoda’s Heart Out, You Will

Who says romance is just for humans? This genius dog toy combines the joy of chewing with the added surprise of a heart-shaped squeaker. Just when you thought your pup’s toy was a goner, out pops the squeaky love! It’s like finding Yoda’s heart but in rubber form. 


Source: reddit.com

Your dog will be wagging their tail with joy (and a little bit of drool) over this clever creation. We could only imagine the excitement this dog felt as he first laid eyes on Yoda’s squeaky heart. We bet your pup will be wagging its tail with joy, and a little bit of drool, over this clever creation. 


Frogs or Pigs, What Do Your Eyes See?

It is easy to be fooled by this innocent and adorable image of these two frogs. But when you look a little closer, expect to be exposed to the shocking truth. One of the frogs is actually a pig in disguise—or is it? 

Source: reddit.com

Either way, this statue is now impossible to unsee, and we’re left wondering if it was all just a clever prank or an honest mistake. One thing is for sure: this statue is making us hog-wild with confusion.


Backyard Shell Reveals A Surprising Treasure

Just when you thought it was safe to wander your own backyard, this little shell comes along and blows your mind. It may look ordinary on the outside, but cut it in half, and viola! A treasure trove of opals is revealed.


Source: boredpanda.com

We suggest that if you’re tempted to toss aside something small and unassuming, take a closer look. You never know what kind of sparkling surprises are waiting to be discovered. Remember, don’t judge a book or shell by its cover.


Super Glue, False or True?

Are these Russian imports wrapped in an American container? We believe something just doesn’t add up. As it turns out, our hunch was right all along. As it turns out, this supposed “super glue” may or may not actually be superglue at all.

Source: reddit.com

Could it be a cunning disguise for a secret formula? Or just a case of “lost in translation”? Either way, we’re not taking any chances with our bonding needs and will stick with a glue we can trust. But that’s just us.


The One Garlic That Will Rule Them All

For all the garlic lovers out there, the age-old problem of peeling and chopping has finally been solved. Introducing the giant single clove of garlic – the perfect solution for adding delicious flavor to any dish, minus all the fuss.


Source: reddit.com

No more stinky fingers or pesky pests – just the satisfying taste of garlic in every bite. It’s every garlic lover’s dream come true. It is also a vampire slayer’s ideal weapon. Simply scatter it around the house, and you’re safe from those blood-sucking bandits.


Cardboard Con

This bargain-hunter did what anyone in their right mind would do to snag this cheap Ikea table. Initially, he thought he was getting a steal. Little did he know, he was actually about to be the victim of a sneaky scam.

Source: onedio.com

After slowly peeling back the wood veneer, he discovered that the entire table was actually made out of cheap cardboard! Talk about a flimsy foundation. We hope this cautionary tale serves as a reminder always to read the fine print and check for cardboard before making a big furniture purchase.


Creepy Horse-Barbie Hybrid

When this horse toy started making strange noises, the parents of this innocent kid decided to investigate. What they found inside was a nightmare come to life. Behold, the horse-Barbie hybrid—a creature so terrifying, it would give even the bravest of toy collectors the heebie-jeebies. 


Source: yangtse.com

We can only imagine the horror on the factory worker’s face when they realized they had accidentally fused two of the world’s most iconic toys into one unholy abomination. Save yourselves, kids, and stay away from such scary playthings! 


A Strange Christmas Santa Surprise

Just as Santa was getting ready to make his big entrance down the chimney, disaster struck. The beloved Santa statue, a fixture in this house for years, took a tumble and broke into two pieces.

Source: reddit.com

But wait, there’s more! As it turns out, the Santa statue was hiding a little secret inside—a mini statue of some sort of futuristic alien, arms flailing as if it were jumping out to surprise partygoers. We can make a good guess that the partygoers were very surprised.


A Miniature Onion Within An Onion

From now on—due to the number of odd-looking fruits, vegetables, and food items we’ve seen so far—we’ll all be examining our meals with the scrutiny of a detective searching for clues. Just when we thought onions couldn’t get any weirder, lo and behold, an innie-onion. 


Source: onedio.com

An ordinary-looking onion, cut in half to reveal a miniature version of itself! How on earth could this be possible? Our guess is that it’s some onion magic, or it’s just a good onion illusion. Either way, we’re all a little confused right now.


Was Jurassic Park A Documentary?

It’s not every day that you see a T-Rex cruising down the highway, especially not one that’s stuffed inside a truck. We confess we had images of Jurassic Park in our heads when we saw this picture. Still, it’s worth noting that this particular dino might not be the real deal. 

Source: reddit.com

Was this poor prehistoric creature being taken out to the middle of nowhere for target practice? Or maybe it was just a really elaborate prank? Either way, if you have an idea what this is all about, feel free to drop us a comment. We’re curious to find out more about this situation. 


Doggie Toy Inside A Chew Toy

Fur parents will love this doggy chew toy with a twist. On the surface, it’s just your run-of-the-mill cute and cuddly cotton critter. But dig a little deeper, and you’ll find that the inside is jam-packed with rubber goodness. 


Source: boredpanda.com

Is this some kind of chew toy conspiracy? Or perhaps it’s a clever way to give your pup two toys in one. Either way, we can’t help but wonder what other chew toy secrets are lurking out there, just waiting to be discovered.


Newt On The Menu

We had to take a second look when we saw this picture. It turns out that someone had peeled back the layers of their sandwich and found a newt inside. We have heard of “surprise ingredients” before, but this is taking things too far. 

Source: reddit.com

Unfortunately, we’re not sure which restaurant this happened at, but let’s just say we wouldn’t be returning if we did. We hope they put this sandwich—and any other meal this person might ever have there—on the house. 


Double The Bell Peppers, Double The Delight

Mother nature is seriously mind-blowing. Not only do we have one bell pepper nested inside another, but they’re even different colors. Plus, the inner pepper has grown to fit the exact size of the outer pepper. If you don’t think that’s cool, maybe you know something about the magic or evil of GMOs that we don’t.


Source: imgur.com

Either way, if we stumbled upon a pepper like this in our kitchen, we wouldn’t be mad at all. In fact, we’d probably be pretty excited. The combination of the two colors even reminds us of Christmas. Talk about a festive food find.


The Delicious Cornetto Dilemma

Just when we thought life couldn’t possibly get any sweeter, the Cornetto showed up and proved us wrong. It’s like a party in your mouth with vanilla ice cream, a soft yet crunchy cone, and a chocolate surprise at the bottom. 

Source: onedio.com

And it’s not just one Cornetto. It’s two. It’s like the Cornetto knew we couldn’t resist and brought a friend along. Let’s face it—two Cornettos are always better than one. This is surely a problem we wouldn’t mind having every day of our lives.


The History Of Rock 

You’ll never realize how rocks could be so exciting until you read this. When a Wisconsin family stumbled upon a rock with a perfectly preserved shell inside, they just had to find its other half. They searched for 30 minutes because, apparently, finding a rock is a treasure hunt.


Source: imgur.com

Fortunately, they didn’t have to search far because they found the other half approximately ten meters away. Seriously, who knew rocks held the secrets to the history of our planet? Actually, geologists do, and we believe they are the literal rockstars.


Not Those Kinds of Boxers!

This may be a little-known secret in the gym-going world, or it is this gym’s best-kept one. Apparently, punching bags were actually just giant underpants storage units. This gym-goer surely didn’t know that was the case until he landed a punch so powerful that it burst open the bag and revealed a mountain of men’s underwear.

Source: reddit.com

And to think, they weren’t even allowed to punch below the belt! But seriously, who stuffs a punching bag full of underwear? Someone with a whole lot of extra time on their hands and a love for creating strange gym mysteries.


The Mousepad Filled With Anime Spirits

Mousepads are generally not mysterious. But this computer whiz had a hunch that something was off with their trusty mousepad. So, they did what any curious person would do and cracked it open to find out what was going on. And what did they find?


Source: reddit.com

Layers and layers of anime-decorated fabric! Talk about a surprise. But at least they now have a mousepad with a secret anime-filled layer for added comfort. Just another mystery solved by a desk-bound detective.


Happy And Sad Chew Toy Cacti

This may be historic as this is the first-ever discovery in the world of stuffed chew toys. Apparently, stuffed chew toys can be emotional. At least this one was. This toy is happy on the outside and sad on the inside—as if it knew its fate. 

Source: onedio.com

Those medium-sized dogs have some serious chompers that can destroy just about anything. But the makers of this toy were prepared and even included a backup cactus in case the first one didn’t last. But hey, at least the dog gets to have some fun while its toy is still intact.


This Pair Of Jeans Is In Its Element

Jeans are a helpful study tool. This sneaky student sure knew that after experiencing the terror of having to do an unannounced test at school. They knew they needed a reliable way to study on the go. Here’s an entire periodic table of elements printed on some jeans pockets. 


Source: imgur.com

No more stressing about not being prepared for a surprise test! Now they have the entire periodic table at their fingertips. Now all they need is a shirt with the rest of the elements printed on it, and they’ll be ready for any chemistry exam that comes their way.


Owl You Need Is Love For This Mysterious Creature

Owls are mysterious creatures. But this person surely didn’t know that fact until this owl sculpture was accidentally broken open and revealed a surprise inside. Turns out, it had been hiding several tiny statues. 

Source: reddit.com

Now they have a whole collection of tiny statues to add to their home decor. Overall, owls are pretty cool birds. They eat pests, they’re wise, and now we know they can secretly hold tiny statues. What more could you ask for?


Frankenstein's Monster Unveils a Shocking Halloween Surprise

Halloween is a wacky holiday where people transform into ghosts, monsters, and all sorts of spooky creatures. It’s all in the name of getting free candy and, maybe, high blood sugar. Some folks go all out, decking out their homes in haunted decor and donning outrageous costumes.


Source: reddit.com

But one family got more than they bargained for when they removed their Frankenstein monster costume, only to find a human head-shaped piece inside. Talk about a Halloween surprise. If you were not amazed by this incredible detail, maybe you’ve been watching too many horror movies.


Why Swim In One When You Can Swim In Two?

These folks wanted more than a single pool to cool off in. They had to have a shallow one and a deep one—because who can know when the mood for shallow pool lounging versus deep pool diving will strike?

Source: reddit.com

Either way, they’ll be able to splash around and beat the heat in style. But let’s be real, most of us financially-challenged-but-noble folks would be happy with just one measly pool.


Concrete or Con-trick?

A concrete table should actually do what a concrete table is supposed to do. It should stand there and act like concrete. But apparently, even inanimate objects are running scams. This poor soul was probably baffled when the table broke after just one fall. Upon closer inspection, the truth was revealed. 


Source: onedio.com

The outside may have looked like concrete, but it was just a thin layer covering a weak interior made of nothing but flimsy styrofoam balls. Looks like it’s time to head back to the store’s return desk for this faulty furniture.


Barking Up The Wrong Bottle

Most dog owners expect their furry friends’ chew toys to be stuffed with fluffy cotton, but this poor pup got something a little more unexpected. As the dog chomped down on its toy, the owners heard the crinkling sound of an empty plastic bottle.

Source: onedio.com

Sure enough, once they took a closer look, they found that the toy was filled with nothing but a discarded water bottle. Talk about disappointment! Hopefully, the dog was able to find a more satisfying chew toy to play with. On the upside, there’s an idea for a DIY dog toy.


Waspy Balcony Blues

Out of sight, out of mind,” they say, but that phrase went out the window when this person leaned on their balcony railing and felt a painful sting! Upon further inspection, they discovered that a whole hive of wasps had snuck into the railing and set up shop.


Source: reddit.com

The homeowner was stuck with a painful sting and a major insect problem on their hands. But, on a positive note, at least they knew they weren’t alone. After all, they now have a whole hive of uninvited guests to keep them company.


A Glitch In The KitKat Matrix

A Kit Kat bar was specially created by God to satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth. The chocolate and wafer combo is just divine, and let’s be real, we all know the catchy slogan that goes along with it: “Gimme a break, gimme a Kit Kat!”

Source: reddit.com

But for one person, their love for this classic candy was tested when they noticed something peculiar after breaking off a piece. Instead of the stripes being horizontal like they should be, they were vertical! Could it be a glitch in the matrix or a simple factory mistake? 


Soda is Lovelier The Second Time Around

We’ve all been there—you go to open a soda bottle, grab the lever, and suddenly it snaps off in your hand. All you want is a refreshing drink, but now you’re left with a useless can that’s completely sealed shut.


Source: imgur.com

But as luck would have it, this particular soda can comes with a backup. When the lever snaps off, the owner can glance down to see that there is a second soda top located right underneath. Some people are just darn lucky.


The Marble-ous 8 Ball

Have you ever peeked inside a pool ball? It’s quite a sight to behold. From the outside, a pool ball seems like a solid, uniform sphere. But upon closer inspection, it’s made up of several blocks of marble that have all come together in one tiny ball. 

Source: labaq.com

The same marble that might have been used in fancy European palaces has now been condensed into a little ball that we use for playing pool. Next time you’re feeling frustrated after accidentally scratching during a game, just remember that even the balls themselves are made of multiple pieces.


Jawbreakers Are Rainbows of Delicious Danger

The name “Jawbreaker” pretty much sums up this candy. It’s a beautiful sphere on the outside, but one that every eager child knows to approach with caution. One wrong move and you could end up with a sore jaw or, worse, a trip to the dentist.


Source: suburbanmen.com

But little did we know, there was a rainbow of color waiting to be discovered on the inside of these tasty treats. Though we all know that each layer of a Jawbreaker is a different color, seeing it up close and personal when it’s cut in half is a sight to behold.


Toothpaste Gone Wild

We’ve all seen companies take ordinary products and give them a splash of color to make them stand out on store shelves. It’s a smart move, as a little bit of color can go a long way in making a product more memorable. Who doesn’t love a bit of blue or green in their daily teeth-brushing routine?

Source: reddit.com

But when it comes to Colgate toothpaste, they took the whole “colorful” thing to a whole new level. When cut in half, it’s like a rainbow explosion in a tube. 


The Great Firework Mystery

Who doesn’t love a good fireworks display? The beautiful arcs of color dancing across the sky are truly a sight to behold. But have you ever wondered what’s inside those fireworks that make them behave in such remarkable ways? 


Source: imgur.com

As children, many of us probably thought there was some crazy, complicated technology at play. But the truth is, it’s actually a lot simpler than we thought. The reason those balls are arranged in a circle is to create the patterns we see when the fuse is lit. Now we know, we can sit back and enjoy the show.


The Mighty Container Ship

Container ships are truly one of humanity’s most impressive feats of engineering. It’s almost mind-boggling to think about how such massive metal objects are able to stay afloat on even the roughest seas.

Source: reddit.com

But when you cut one of these giants in half, it reveals something even more surprising. Its interior looks a lot like the inside of a skyscraper. Can you imagine what someone from 100 years ago would think if they saw this? They’d probably be amazed, and maybe a little confused, by these floating giants that can carry so much cargo around the world.


Uncovering the Secrets Of Our Dogs' Favorite Bathroom

Fire hydrants are a common sight on nearly every corner, but have you ever stopped to wonder what’s going on inside of them? It might surprise you to know that, for the most part, fire hydrants are actually hollow structures. 


Source: ailovei.com

But beyond that, we can clearly see how they connect to water pipes for firefighters to use when they’re rolling up to a scene to put out a big, dangerous blaze. Who would’ve thought that such an ordinary-looking street fixture had so much going on inside?


The Most Boring Tree In The World

If you’re on the lookout for the world’s most boring tree, you’re in luck. This image is that of white oak. But wait, it gets better. This tree has been fossilized, which means it’s been preserved for a million years. 

Source: pholder.com

It’s basically a giant rock with the word ‘tree’ written on it. If you’re into that kind of thing, come check it out. But fair warning, you’ll probably fall asleep before you even get to see it. However, if that is your goal, you are more than welcome to visit. 


This Zippo Lighter Is As Exciting As A Bic

Attention thrill-seekers and adventure enthusiasts: if you are tired of living on the edge and craving something truly mundane and unexciting, we’ve got just the thing for you—the Zippo lighter. 


Source: imgur.com

Though it’s a handy tool to have around, it’s actually just a fancy version of a Bic with a flimsy metal shell. If lighting up a cigarette in style is your idea of a wild time, then the Zippo is the device for you. It is perfect for the unexcited and the unadventurous.


Making The Best Of Your Living Situation

If you’ve ever wanted to live in the same house for your entire life, then you’ll definitely relate to the tortoise. These majestic creatures don’t get to enjoy the excitement of moving into a bigger and better home because they’re stuck with their shell for the long haul.

Source: wittyfeed.com

At least they get to take their house with them wherever they go. Just don’t expect them to be able to redecorate or renovate because that shell is a permanent fixture. Next time you’re feeling stuck in your current living situation, just think of the poor tortoise.


The Best Way To Not Diet

This Teddy the Bear took the whole “dieting” thing a little too seriously. One minute he’s a cute and cuddly stuffed animal. The next, he’s a bear with a head and legs but with no body between. We can’t recommend the Teddy Bear Diet because there are obviously dire drawbacks.


Source: junkhost.com

Talk about a dramatic transformation. We can’t say we’re surprised. After all, who wouldn’t want to slim down if they had to carry around a belly, torso, and arms that big? Just make sure you don’t take your dieting goals too far.


The Tree That Refused To Give Up

This tree evidently has a strong will to live. It was initially chopped down and thought to be a goner, but then it was discovered that it had another tree growing inside of it. Is it a case of tree pregnancy? Or are these two trees just really good at sharing a space? 

Source: imgur.com

Either way, someone better start planning a baby shower. It looks like this tree is about to pop. Or maybe it’s just a case of one tree growing around the other. Either way, we’re amazed by this tree’s determination to keep on going.


Undercover Mickey

The masterminds behind the ‘Hidden Mickeys’ have struck again, and this time they’ve hidden Mickey in the unlikeliest of places: a rope factory. Probably, a secret Disney agent has gone and sewed together fibers that, when untangled, reveal a sneaky little Mickey Mouse.


Source: reddit.com

Kudos to Disney, as they really know how to keep us on our toes and make sure we’re always on the lookout for their iconic mouse. Just be careful when handling ropes from now on because you never know what hidden surprises they might hold.


The Ultimate Bonus Catch

Patience really does pay off because one lucky angler just caught a fish with a lobster in its mouth. This is the best two-for-one deal ever. We’re impressed by this fish’s ability to catch its own seafood.

Source: imgur.com

Make sure to watch out for any other seafood stowaways that your catch might be hiding. Who knows what other surprises the ocean has in store? 


Who Would Do Such A Thing?

Looks like someone’s been pulling a fast one on all the Ferrero Rocher lovers out there. Just imagine the disappointment of thinking you’ve stumbled upon a tower of those delicious chocolates, only to find out it’s just a ball of styrofoam in disguise.


Source: bles.com

This is the cruelest prank ever conceived against chocolate lovers. At least we can all learn from this experience and double-check our chocolate towers before diving in. Or, maybe just stick to the trusty candy bars that never try to deceive us.


The Rock-Eating Rock

It looks like one rock has somehow managed to swallow another rock whole. But as we all know, rocks don’t have the ability to grow mouths or move like plants or animals. How on earth did this happen?

Source: reddit.com

The answer is a phenomenon called “weathering rind.” After years of erosion, fluids can seep into a rock and alter its chemical composition and visible features. Who knew that rocks could be so complex? Just goes to show that there’s always more to learn about the natural world.


The Universe Is Inside A Humble Baseball

Who knew that baseball was actually a cosmic sport? Every time that ball sails into the bleachers, it turns out we’re actually getting a glimpse into the wonders of the universe. Just imagine the excitement of watching your favorite team hit a home run, only to realize that you’re also witnessing the beauty of our solar system. 


Source: reddit.com

No wonder baseball is America’s favorite pastime—it’s a true spectacle of both athleticism and astronomy. Who needs fancy VR headsets when we’ve got baseball?


The Mighty Engine

This unwieldy beast powers our modern lives and keeps the economy roaring like a well-oiled machine—pun intended. With its impressive horsepower and shiny flux capacitor-like devices, it’s truly a sight to behold.

Source: twitter.com

Don’t ask us to explain how it works because we’ll probably just stare at you blankly and mutter something about “science stuff” or recommend that you just ask a search engine. The only thing we know is that it looks cool when it’s cut in half.
